The 30 Minute Video
Document written by VoxelizedBits, AKA Dynabroth.
If you know anything or would like to contact/submit a tip, see my links above, or email Dynabroth at gmail
Document last updated 3/12/2025 (v1.11)
Special thanks to RavingRevolver, NOTBlocked, quinn, Brent, ClientSearch users, Dynabroth users, Zoilu, Rogeroo, Jayden, Ellernate, LMW, & Sindexmon for extra findings/resources on this video and document.
The 30 minute video refers to a video recorded by Roblox user
Twister92, browsing the admin panel on the night of April 30th
2012, while he talked to the user Ellernate on the chatting platform
XFire. The footage shows Twister in the admin account iltaLumi, an
account that joined Roblox on April 20th, 2012, while he browses the
admin panel. In the video, decal moderation, as well as an admin panel
shoutbox can be seen. The video was first posted on June 1st 2012,
likely on Twister’s YouTube channel, and was privatized or taken
down only a few days later. Only screenshots, recollections, and a four
minute cut-up version of the video exists today.
On May 1st, the user Ellernate created an account on using the same username as an admin on Roblox. This allowed him to use an extension, likely a cookie editor, to obtain the cookie of this account and apply it onto the main site, allowing access to the admin panel. It’s possible that iTrapped suggested the idea of using cookies which led to this bug being discovered. Originally planning to report it, Ellernate abused the bug by handing out items, and messing with users’ items he deemed to be scammers. The bug would later spread around in groups, originally probably known by Twister & Ellernate, and Johnathan777 (Jayden). Ellernate would be banned afterwards on May 2nd, of which Ellernate then gave access to Isaac Hymer (iTrapped) who began to heavily abuse the method. Around May 5th Roblox would register the Simulping domain to circumvent the repeated abuses of the admin panel exploits that were being discovered, and terminated most of the users involved.
Contrary to popular belief, the users Ellernate, Caleb244, and iTrapped were not involved in the April Fools hack of 2012. Instead, they were involved with this exploit they discovered in Late April/early May. The original April Fools perpetrators were an entirely different group.
On May 3rd, a video spread around likely containing the bug that was discovered, and footage of the admin panel.
Who exactly recorded the video is unknown, however, the user Ellissar, an admin, was shown to be compromised via this hack in the video. After Ellernate shared the method after May 2nd, it’s up in the air who could’ve made this video, as the exploit was being abused by a couple people now.
One suspect of the video recording could be Raze, AKA smartjake999, although contact with him is difficult.
Around May 03, 2012 9:06 PM EST, smartjake999 using his alt devon6710 posted on the forums with a link saying “admin panel vidddd”.
The video is simply unavailable, and archives in all forms don’t exist.
At 9:13 PM, not very long after, the video was made private according to replies. The original upload date of the video is unknown, so it’s possible it was up for some time before this.
It’s unknown if this was the infamous video, or a different one/similar one, and contents of this video are scarce to none. But, with context clues, we can get an idea that it may have shown the bug in question. It’s assumed that the exploit had gotten out at this point and was being shared via this video. The extension allowing cookie editing may have been shown in the video too, as multiple users in replies to the post were asking “what’s it called?” which may be assumed to be in question to what the extension was called. This is just speculation. We can also assume it might’ve been showing the method as one user in replies stated “can I try?”
One user in replies said “<3yetwisty” which may imply it was a video made by Twister. Another user, moenoe, also stated it was the user “Ellissar” doing it. Smartjake seemingly said it wasn’t.
The user Ellissar was an admin. It’s possible that this means this was one of the accounts that the cookie swap bug was utilized on. Assuming this is an admin panel video, it’s possible this showed footage of the same bug, but using this account, which is why one user stated it was footage Ellissar took, only for smartjake to de-confirm this. This is only speculation. With smartjake de-confirming it it means he knows what’s happening in the video, either it’s a video he took, or he knows the account in the video was compromised.
Another post by TwoBoo was posted on May 3rd, 10:02 PM, soon after, mentioning the admin panel “looks rlly cool but complicated” when users asked how he viewed it, he did not reply. It’s not known if he followed the same exploit or if he only saw the video of it.
In the same thread, when asked how you could get into the panel, Base1567 claimed there was a YouTube video which was privatized.
User GPR3 also claims to have seen the admin panel. It’s unknown if they mean the video, or if they saw it by other means.
When asked if the video contained a tutorial on the exploit, TwoBoo once again ignored the question.
On June 1st, 2012, around 6:39 PM EST, Ellernate on his alt Ellernatealt asked if he should post a video of Roblox’s admin panel, and stated it was 30 minutes long on YouTube. It’s unknown if the video was already on YouTube and he was simply asking if he should share it on the forums or not.
At 6:55 PM, Ellernate posted a link to another post that probably contained a link to the video. The post is taken down now.
On the same day, 7:09 PM, user Obcc33 stated they saw the link “” in Ellernate’s video.
When a user asked for the link, user L8T stated they would not share it. This means they also viewed this video.
At 9:48 PM EST, Merely actually tweets about the video, and posts a link to the video. He states at 2:17, credit card info can be seen but is likely not entirely shown in the video.
Based on this tweet we can determine the video link to be
Two days later, on June 3rd, 8:20 PM, discussion about the video took place in a forum post. User trappingnoobs stated “Genuinely though, 'Twister' is extremely stupid. What idiot publishes a video of themselves hacking into a major site like this? I'd genuinely be surprised if nothing legal happens to them.”
This likely implies the video was indeed recorded by Twister and possibly published by him, which makes sense as he is the recorder in this video. One of Twister’s known YouTube channels was but no archives or proof of this video’s existence can be seen.
User JulienDethurens stated “Not really an exploit. It's just they got access to the account of some mod and they were able to make eachothers moderators and stuff. [... ]Watch the video if you don't believe me.” which implies the video showed them indeed using a moderator’s account, which we know to be true, but may have shown them making each other mods.
Julien describes more of the video's contents. He describes that in
the video, they show they have access to credit card info, moderation,
payment and other info, banning any user, managing forum mods, editing
forum posts, locking posts, managing stickies, giving BC to any user,
changing passwords to any user, and can change site-wide banners.
“He didn't buy it, SDuke. He got it from the administration panel.
Seriously, look at the video. They have access to like, everything. They can use the banners (yeah, the banners the admins use for
gametest and all that stuff) and everything. It's incredible all the
stuff they have access to.”
This likely implies that the video contains footage of the forums at some point, shows credit card info (at least partially), and shows the ability to update site banners and account information. The post above also confirms the video in question is indeed the 30 minute one, but Julien claims he only watched some minutes of it, meaning what he is describing is probably only a little bit.
Julien also links the video, which is later removed by moderators.
The image below may have been a link to the video posted 30 minutes earlier in the thread.
At 8:39, Quenty views the video, proving it is still up, and providing proof partial credit card info was shown in the video.
User nightname claims he aims to watch the full video, and also makes the claim that full cc info shouldn’t be stored entirely in Roblox’s servers. He also states that in the video, you can see that Roblox has been monitoring free models that contain viruses in them.
These posts confirm the info in the video is indeed only partial.
User nightname later states the person recording to be Ryan, which is indeed Twister92. Apparently, Twister’s Facebook profile was attached to his account. Julien later states he watched more of the full video, and the user teteyal also claims to have seen it.
Teteyal, after seeing it, made a forum post suggesting the ability to deactivate your account. When asked for a link to the video, he links the same link Merely did.
Discussion about FTP within the earlier thread.
Discussion on whether the moderators deleting the video link are the exploiters was also brought up, but at this point in time, anyone who had access to the admin panel likely didn’t anymore, as all of this happened a month prior. Nightname also claims that the user in the video, Twister92, seemingly didn’t know anything about the bug, further proving that Ellernate may have shared it to him over XFire.
SDuke also made some comments here but it’s unknown if these are shown in the video or not, as the forum post in the first place was about SDuke being hacked.
In a separate thread, user TheFinalTeebar linked the video in a forum post.
Teebar mentions that in the video, they were too afraid of sending out site-wide banners because they didn’t have proxies.
On June 4th, 9:31 AM, nightname made this comment in the forum post from earlier (June 3rd), which I’m unsure of, maybe it’s visible Robux amounts given to profiles seen in the video? Or, the Robux and Tix counts of a profile in the video?
Around 10:53 PM, this comment was made. It’s unknown if SDuke was talking about something that happened in the video in this message.
In Teebar’s thread from the day before, MadDog7736 states that the option to “poison” an account was seeable in moderation options.
On June 6th, around 5:03 PM the user Hakan1218 claims the video was no longer up. He also claims the video showed people’s billing info, IPs, and apparently in the video they gave someone a warning for doubting him.
Later that day, the user rayoma claimed that SDuke542 was deleted and said “thanks batista”. It’s unknown if this has anything to do with the video.
Around July 3rd, a user claimed they saw a video where a user hacked into the admin panel and visited a ban page, and also claimed there was no option for a one month ban.
Around July 29th, another testimony of the video from the user Hakan1218 was posted.
User ZontaTheory mentioned he had pics of it, although he may not have been talking about the video, it’s possible he was talking about the Admin Panel in general.
In August 2012, the user shiffie123 claims that you used to be able to access the admin panel via a program called mod panel. It’s likely he’s just talking about the literal moderator panel. (or possibly an extension used for the bug, but I don’t think so).
He also claims this was shown in a video titled “ForProof” which showed the user hacking into the admin panel using the ‘program’. He states it was deleted after, and he found the video from Juluen’s post months earlier. It’s possible this is the 30m video.
Around June 11 2013, probably another mention of the video was posted by Jeerve.
On June 23, 2014, Caleb244 himself, using the account Gliza, posted an Imgur screenshot to the Roblox forums pretending he still had access to the admin panel.
This image is instead directly from Twister’s video, as you can tell from the programs open on the bottom. The screencap of the video is seemingly in great quality, despite the tilted spooky camera photograph.
Either Caleb had a copy of the video at the time, or he had taken a screenshot of it when it was still up.
In January 2016, the user Daedalheidis claimed he had seen a video titled “ROBLOX Admin Panel” from around 2012 that showed someone going through the admin panel. He claims it had a PewDiePie song in the background. It’s unknown if it was a fansong made by PewDiePie fans, or if he is referring to a song that PewDiePie commonly used in his videos intros and outros. Given the video title is named differently, and the audio, it’s possible, albeit not outright confirmed, that this could’ve been the same video but reuploaded. We might not truly know. Later uploads of the 4 minute cut of the 30 minute video were named with a similar title.
In March 2016, yet another mention of an admin panel video was made by user Target_Locked. Just like the others, it’s unknown if it is the same video. However, mentioning that it was the admin themselves taking the video seems to imply that it could be the 30m one.
On December 21, 2018, the 30 minute video was mentioned on the Ellernate roblox fandom page with a link to the forum post by Ellernatealt. Unfortunately the fandom page is now deleted, so evidence of this comes from my own notes before its deletion.
In 2019, a 4:02 minute cut of the original video began circulating online. This version of the video seemingly shows the first four minutes of the 30 minute video. At around 2:16, a visible cut can be seen in the video.
The comment Merely says ("So credit card info isn't stored on the site? Go to 2:17 in this video from April 1st.") from Twitter actually lines up with the 4 minute video we have today. The cut happens at about 2:15 in the 4 minute cut, which is close to the timestamp Merely shares (2:17). This means that the cut was there to censor out any sensitive information, likely credit card details. The original 30 minute video probably didn't contain this cut. If he is not talking about this, he could be talking about how there is a "Billing Info" section on the Account Summary page which lists a "Credit Card Info" parameter.
Merely’s Tweet also confirms that the cut of the video we do have now is indeed the start of the video as this cut lines up very well.
The earliest version of the four minute cut resurfacing comes from July 16th, 2019. The user Conkley was sharing it in Discord DMs around the time it spread around. When later asked, he claimed the video originated from a user named kaykayko in the Nobelium/Finobe community. Kay apparently originally sourced it from EnergyCell/icseon, the later creator of Graphictoria, who had the cut up on his YouTube channel at some point. EnergyCell's YouTube has been checked (xandernewt1, channel ID: UCAFuyiBnLFncMmLHnQ0w1sA according to old forum posts) but no archives were found, assuming it was on this channel. There is claims that icseon originally knew Ellernate back in the day, but through my deep research on the two 2012 hack incidents, no connections came up. I could also just be wrong.
The earliest instance of the video being circulated in a public server can be found in the ClientSearch Discord server, where user NT_x86 downloaded a copy of this cut of the video on October 28, 2019 from a random Roblox Discord server.
When asked about the origin, he did not remember.
The video is seemingly the same quality of copies we have now.
On December 10, 2019, a Streamable link of the four minute video cut was posted to by user Kalr.
Because v3rm is no longer up, the links that used to work were or
The Streamable link provided ( is the highest quality version of the video by far. It is titled "2012_admin_panel_video_1" which may imply other parts of the video that are cut up exist.
It’s worth noting that Streamable acts much like Imgur, in that you’d need a link to view the content. Streamable videos are not typically indexed by search engines.
Below is an embed of the Streamble upload:
Below is an image of the Streamable upload:
CatchFirez asked the user Kalr how the video was found, but apparently received no answer. Catch also stated someone claimed Kalr found it on Vimeo. Through my research I could not find this video on Vimeo, and Kalr never mentioned this video on V3rm again based on his search history. That’s not to say it isn’t on Vimeo, I just could not find it at all.
When I asked for clarification:
Kalr’s Discord information:
Please refrain from contacting, ask VoxelizedBits first.
On December 12, 2019, two days after the Streamable link was posted on v3rm, user ExplosionTween on YouTube uploaded the four minute cut under the name “ROBLOX 2012 Admin Panel”.
The video was archived on Wayback and the link was
The video is currently down, only stating “This video isn’t available anymore”. Explosion’s channel link was originally but it appears it doesn’t exist.
The user also went by the name FlangingNPhasing, and claims the video was found on Streamable. His upload of the video was rather lower quality, and this quality remained consistent with further uploads.
An archived page from 2021:
An archived page from 2022:
Filmot stats show the user’s stats ending at Jan 14 2023, so possibly the channel was deleted by the user by this date. Who knows for sure?
This video was posted in my Dynabroth Discord at around July 15th, 2021, meaning at some point between this date and July 16 2024 when I discovered the dead link, the video was removed. I’m inclined to believe it went down with the channel in January 2023, however the third upload of the video alludes that it was down before September 2022.
On March 6th, 2021, an account named ExProHacks Reborn (which was a fake account attempting to ride off the fame of an old exploiter group) uploaded the four minute video under the title "(2012) Former Roblox Admin IltaLumi and Ellernate discussing the Admin Panel"
The description stated:
"The truth about the beginnings of the 2012 Roblox April Fools Hack has finally been revealed by ExPro in this old recording.
Ellernate later used IltaLumi's account to compromise the site, causing the infamous hacking event."
This four minute reupload was later deleted for violating YouTube guidelines. This channel also privatized all its other exploiting videos that it had up.
The YouTube channel still exists.
(Channel ID: UCIx62g0RlJgbjqJfTtG_76g)
Roblox group related to ExProHacks Reborn, which madcodebrkr is actually part of:!/about
No archives of the video exist on Wayback Machine, Filmot,, or youtubevideofinder, besides a good handful of HTML pages.
Archive from July 2021:
Archive of the video seen on the channel on May 2021:
<--- logo this channel used at some point.
Other archives which yield dead end or broken pages:
To further prove that ExProHacks Reborn didn't upload the 30 minute video, and did indeed upload the four minute one, you can find a few variables called "approxDurationMs" in the HTML of the archived page. The value is "242733". Converting this from Milliseconds to Minutes gives us approximately 4.04 minutes, meaning his upload was not the 30 minute video.
This variable can be found on pretty much all videos and tells the page the duration of the video.
Deletion date of the video isn’t entirely known, but between May 9th 2021 to July 16 2024 when I discovered the dead link, the video was removed. Possibly coinciding with ExProHacks privatizing all their videos.
On May 4th, 2021, the video from ExProhacks was posted onto the Ellernate page on Fandom. This was the same day when Ellernate himself was contacted and asked some questions about some things, including the video. These screenshots were also provided on the Fandom Wiki, but later removed. Using, we can determine that the discord message URLs containing the screenshots were posted at 5/4/2021, around 2 AM EST. This is also the same date that Ellernatealt went online on Roblox, of which this user logged into. This is him.
Ellernate confirms the video was deleted only days later, and confirms Twister recorded it. At the time this was unknown information that only the real Nate would know; lots of other context around this provides proof it was him, but for sake of sticking with the video on this page, I’ll skip it for now.
He seems to imply he doesn’t have it.
On February 23rd, 2024, the wiki fandom page’s edit history states that a YT channel known as "Darkheart" uploaded the original 30 minute video back in March 2021, only for it to be taken down again.
This user claimed that he was Ellernate, and also later claimed he was caleb244, but he is obviously not. The user who added this content to the wiki page is a user that appears to not have a great moderation history on the wiki.
The YouTube channel in modern day has nothing of note on it, and is named EthanSneakers. Previous archives from 2019 show this user is named "Ethan" as well and also went under other names, and is clearly some zoomer kid. No evidence of the video ever being posted has existed.
All that to say, it is POSSIBLE this random literally who person uploaded the 30 minute video at some point but probably not. I had a whole paragraph debunking this person but I won’t bother posting it unless people want it, just go look at Wayback archives and you will see. I only mention this user because another person on Discord later claims to have seen the 30 minute video on this channel specifically and apparently has tried asking them about the video only to receive no response.
(Channel ID is UCzb9vMqZAfI289LocN2O96w, username ethan9k, if you want to investigate)
The wiki claims they uploaded it in March 2021 so it's likely they just got confused with ExProHacks Reborn.
Nonetheless I will provide details the user gave me about this apparent video as they claimed to have seen it. I would not be inclined to believe them.
I will at least give this kid some credit in that he showed me a Reddit post that led me to discover an archive of XFire videos. XFire has already been searched pretty heavily and all known users involved with the video have had their XFire usernames searched with no results.
On July 23rd, 2021, YouTube's unlisted videos update releases, privatizing unlisted video uploads from Jan 1 2017 and before.
On September 23rd, 2022, YouTube channel “Old ROBLOX Archive” uploaded a reupload of ExProHack’s upload of the video, title and all.
"(2012) Former Roblox Admin IltaLumi and Ellernate discussing the Admin Panel REUPLOAD"
The other two video uploads were lost sometime before this date, most likely.
Description reads:
“this video was created by ellernate in 2012, the video was taken down
shortly after and thought to be lost forever, in 2021, it resurfaced
only to be deleted and become lost AGAIN shortly after. but its back now
and i have no intentions on taking it down”
This is the current upload of the video, which has continued to stay up.
It appears in 2022, KeyboardCombination handed a saved copy of the video to "fizzycan" on the ClientSearch discord, of which Fizz proceeded to possibly be the one who uploaded it here.
After Ellernate seemingly didn’t have the video, contacting anyone else involved in the 2012 May breach came next.
Rogeroo, who was friends with Twister92, was asked on Steam and has said he never knew about the video, and also said Twister never kept good backups of things, so he might or might not have it. Contact with Twister is scarce.
Jayden/Johnathan777 who was friends with Twister a long time ago was also asked and seemingly didn’t have the video.
While Rogeroo didn’t have Twister’s current contact, besides some few socials, Jayden did attempt to contact Twister. We will see if he replies.
Jayden is also friends with iTrapped/Isaac Hymer, and possibly asking Isaac may lead to some details, but him having the video is also low.
Another possible contact could be whoever made the four minute cut. As of writing, EnergyCell is the earliest link, and I’m waiting for a reply from him.
The only other person to ask would be Caleb244, although he has very limited socials, and is entirely separated from friend groups and friend lists nowadays from everyone else I’ve contacted.
It’s also unknown if the screenshot he took was from his own copy of the video in 2014, or if it was a screenshot taken of the video back when it was first up. It’s possible he could be a lead.
Analysis of Four Minute Cut
Feel free to have this reconstruction of the shoutbox in the meantime: